All tagged provenance research
Maja Wegrzynowska is Director of International Sales and Vice-President of the Beare's International Violin Society. She is also an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music. The Art Provenance Research blog caught up with her to ask her about due diligence procedures in the market for fine stringed instruments.
Every now and then when we are asked to research the provenance of a violin, we acknowledge the added challenge involved in conducting due diligence on objects that do not fall under the ‘fine-art’ umbrella. Today we sit down with Jason Price of Tarisio Fine Instruments and Bows auction house to find out how their due diligence practices differ from ours.
With a large display of pea-green bound Country Life issues as background, Lynda McLeod, Head Librarian and Associate Director at Christie’s, sits at her antique mahogany desk to talk about her role across the auction house, private interests and academia, and sheds light on the future of provenance in the art .