The Provenance Research Blog aims to bring readers curated content written by a group of international experts in the fields of Art, Art History and the Art Market. By drawing on the experience and knowledge of art historians, historians, academics, researchers, lawyers, collectors, artists and art advisors we will address a wide range of art-related issues that we hope will both inform and inspire our readers.
Our main focus is on issues related to title research and ownership history. We will do this through case studies, interviews with both institutions and claimants, as well as by exploring various methodologies and drawing on the input of experts.
The platform is open to all those who would like to share their insights and personal experiences with claims and restitution as well as to provenance researchers wishing to share their own case studies and articles.
If you would like to contribute an article to the Provenance Research Blog or would like to arrange an interview with us, you can reach us via our contact page or email us at:
This initiative is supported by:
Flynn & Giovani
Art Provenance Research